New York Dog Bite Attorney

Dog Bite

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Get Legal Representation from the Top Dog Bite Attorneys in New York at Shalom Law

Dog bites can lead to severe injuries, emotional trauma, and substantial medical expenses. In a bustling urban environment like New York City, the risks associated with dog attacks are significant, given the high population density and the number of pets. At Shalom Law, our experienced dog bite attorneys in New York, are dedicated to helping victims navigate the legal complexities of such cases and secure the compensation they deserve. Serving clients across Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island, Nassau County, Suffolk County, and parts of Upstate New York, we provide compassionate and effective legal representation tailored to your needs.

Dog Bite Attorney Queens Ny

Facts and Statistics

According to Forbes, an estimated 4.5 million people annually sustain a bite from a dog. While some of these bites may be nothing more than minor nips, an estimated 800,000 people each year must seek medical attention. Understanding these statistics highlights the critical need for legal intervention in cases of birth injuries caused by medical malpractice.

  • Frequency: There are over 600,000 dogs owned as pets in New York City alone.
  • Severity: One in five dog bites results in injuries serious enough to require medical attention.
  • Legal Recourse: Victims of dog bites have the right to seek compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other related damages.

Common Causes of Dog Bites

Dog bites can occur due to various reasons, often involving elements of negligence or lack of control by the dog owner. Understanding these common causes helps in identifying responsible parties and preventing future incidents.

  • Lack of Supervision
    Dogs left unattended are more likely to bite if they feel threatened or are provoked.
  • Poor Training
    Dogs not properly trained or socialized may display aggressive behavior leading to bites.
  • Provocation
    Children or adults may unknowingly provoke a dog, leading to an aggressive response.
  • Health Issues
    Dogs in pain or discomfort are more likely to bite as a defensive mechanism.
  • Territorial Behavior
    Dogs may bite to defend their territory or owners from perceived threats.

Common Injuries from Dog Bites

Dog bites can result in a wide range of injuries, some of which can have long-term or permanent effects. Recognizing these injuries is essential for seeking appropriate medical care and legal compensation.

  • Puncture Wounds 
    Deep wounds that can lead to infections and require medical treatment.
  • Lacerations
    Cuts that can damage skin, muscles, and nerves, potentially requiring stitches or surgery.
  • Infections
    Dog bites can introduce bacteria into the body, leading to serious infections like rabies or tetanus.
  • Scarring and Disfigurement
    Severe bites can result in permanent scarring and disfigurement.
  • Emotional Trauma
    Victims, especially children, may suffer from long-term psychological effects such as anxiety and PTSD.

Steps to Take After a Dog Bite

Taking immediate and appropriate steps after a dog bite can help ensure your safety and protect your legal rights.

Seek Medical Attention

  • Immediate Care: Get prompt medical evaluation and treatment for the bite.
  • Follow-Up: Regular follow-up visits to monitor healing and prevent infections.

Report the Incident

  • Notify Authorities: Contact animal control or the police to report the dog bite.
  • Inform the Dog Owner: Make the dog owner aware of the incident and your intention to seek legal action.

Document the Incident

  • Gather Evidence: Take photos of the injuries, the scene, and the dog if possible.
  • Collect Information: Obtain contact details of witnesses and the dog owner.

Consult a Dog Bite Attorney

  • Legal Advice: Seek advice from Shalom Law to understand your rights and options.
  • Case Evaluation: Our attorneys will conduct a thorough investigation and help you build a strong case.

Challenges in Dog Bite Cases

Dog bite cases can present unique challenges due to the need to establish liability and the potential for disputes over the circumstances of the attack. Here are some common defenses and challenges you might face:

  • Provocation Defense
    Defendants may argue that the victim provoked the dog, which led to the bite. This defense requires evidence that the victim’s actions directly contributed to the incident.
  • Trespassing
    If the bite occurred while the victim was unlawfully on the property, it might complicate the claim. Trespassing can make it more challenging to seek compensation.
  • Lack of Knowledge
    The dog owner might argue they had no prior knowledge of the dog’s aggressive tendencies, which can challenge liability, particularly in jurisdictions with a “one-bite rule.”
  • Comparative Negligence
    This defense claims that the victim’s own negligence contributed to the incident, potentially reducing the compensation they can receive.
  • Minor’s Liability
    In cases involving minors, the defense might argue that a child’s lack of understanding or carelessness contributed to the incident, complicating the case further.

How Shalom Law Can Help You

At Shalom Law, our dedicated dog bite attorneys provide comprehensive legal support tailored to the needs of dog bite victims and their families. Here’s how we can assist you:

  • Thorough Investigation
    We gather all relevant evidence, including medical records, accident reports, and witness statements.
  • Personalized Legal Strategy
    We develop a tailored legal strategy to address the unique circumstances of your case.
  • Aggressive Representation
    Our attorneys strive to secure a fair settlement that covers all damages, including medical expenses and future care costs.
  • Court Advocacy
    If necessary, we are prepared to take your case to court and advocate passionately on your behalf.
  • Ongoing Support and Communication
    We prioritize keeping you informed and involved throughout the legal process, offering compassionate support and guidance.

By choosing Shalom Law, you are choosing a top personal injury firm committed to achieving the best possible outcome for your case. Visit our Personal Injury Law page for more information on how we can assist you.

Practice Areas | Jonathan Shalom | Queens NY

Shalom Law Will Fight For You

If you or a loved one has been injured by a dog bite, you don’t have to navigate this challenging time alone. Shalom Law is here to provide the legal support and guidance you need. Our experienced dog bite attorneys in New York, are dedicated to helping you secure the compensation you deserve and ensuring your rights are protected. Contact us today at (718) 971-9474 for a free consultation. Let us help you through this difficult time so you can focus on your recovery.

Dog Bite FAQ

What should I do immediately after a dog bite?

Seek immediate medical attention, report the incident, document the scene, gather witness information, and consult a dog bite attorney.

Can I file a claim against the dog owner for a bite?

Yes, if the bite resulted from the dog owner’s negligence or failure to control their dog, you may have grounds for a claim. Contact Shalom Law to see if you have a case.

What types of compensation can I receive for a dog bite injury?

Compensation can include medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other related damages.

How long do I have to file a dog bite claim in New York?

The statute of limitations for filing a dog bite claim in New York is typically three years from the date of the incident.

How can Shalom Law help with my dog bite case?

Shalom Law will investigate the case, gather evidence, consult with experts, handle all legal paperwork, negotiate settlements, and represent you in court if necessary.

Can I still pursue a claim if the dog bite occurred on private property?

Yes, you can pursue a claim regardless of where the bite occurred, provided it resulted from the dog owner’s negligence.