Improving the safety of New York City’s streets and traffic

by | Jul 8, 2022 | Personal Injury | 0 comments

Photo by Connor Williams on Unsplash

With the high volume of people living, or visiting New York City, comes the high volume of motor vehicle accidents.

Every year approximately 3,000 New Yorkers are struck by a motor vehicle, and more than 200 are killed yearly due to traffic crashes and accidents.

What Is Vision Zero?

Vision Zero was implemented in New York City in 2014 and is founded upon the belief that the rate and level of traffic accidents are unacceptable.i

Vision Zero’s primary goal is to improve the safety of New York City streets and to provide a comfortable and secure environment for New York drivers and pedestrians.

Vision Zero is an all-encompassing project that utilizes and incorporates different programs and policies.

The main components of Vision Zero are street design, outreach, enforcement, legislation, and campaigns.

One State law implemented under Vision Zero reduced the default speed limit from 30 mph to 25 mph.

Mayor Eric Adams’ Investment in Improving Traffic Safety

In April of 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced that the Adams administration is investing $904 million over the next five years to improve traffic safety in New York City.

The investment is aimed at increasing the commitments of the ‘NYC Street Plan.’

Under the investment, Vision zero programs continue to be implemented throughout New York City.

‘NYC Streets Plan is a five-year plan implemented by the NYC Department of Transportation to enact recommendations and suggestions to current and future leaders about the city’s streets.

The Streets Plan is a holistic approach to listening to the public, providing the context of NYC Transportation, introducing visions and goals for redesigning NYC streets, recommendations to program ideas, and opportunities for improvements.

The Streets plan also aims to expand the miles of bike and bus lanes, busways, and pedestrian space on city streets, reform on-street parking, and reduce the number of dangerous vehicles and drivers in the city.

What Are Open Streets?

Within the Streets Plan, open streets have been implemented in New York City to prevent the level of motor vehicle accidents.

The New York City Open Streets program transforms streets into public areas open to all civilians.

Limited Local Access to Open Streets involves drivers entering the open streets at 5 MPH or slower, and no through traffic is permitted.

Full Closure Open Streets do not allow any cars to enter the streets.

New York City Councilmember Shekar Krishnan stated that Open Streets across the city would improve transit times, reduce carbon footprint, and save pedestrian lives.

Increase In Bicycle lanes

In addition to the Streets Plan, the Adams administration is committed to upgrading the infrastructure on 20 miles of bike lanes by the end of 2023.

A Better Barrier pilot program has been implemented to test out materials to protect bike lanes in the city.

The pilot program is a part of a two-year commitment to hardening half of the city’s bike lanes by using sturdier materials to keep the bike lanes clear and for only bikers.

Adding more and studier bike lanes allows New Yorkers to travel more efficiently and safely.

However, with all these aims of improvements in New York City’s streets and traffic, sadly, there will still be motor vehicle accidents.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a motor vehicle accident, please seek medical assistance if necessary.

Shalom Law, PLLC, is here to help you! 

Next, you will need an experienced attorney on your side who knows how to best utilize your medical records to substantiate your claim for losses while also navigating around the evasive tactics of insurance companies. The attorneys at Shalom Law can do just that. We are prepared to fight hard for you to ensure your rights are protected, and you receive the maximum compensation you deserve.

Call us today for a free consultation:  (718) 917-9474.